WOW...I can't believe 2009 is over. It seemed like the last 2 months were only 10 days long. Our Christmas was good....Chelsea was with us this year which was GREAT!! Dad met me the Sat before Christmas in Alexandria so that she could spend her entire break with us!! (thanks daddy)
On Christmas eve we wrote letters to Santa, baked cookies, and put out feed for the reindeer....then put on our PJ's and took some pictures infront of the Christmas tree before snuggling in our beds so Santa could visit us. Kaitlyn woke up was barely day light outside...and of course she had already went to the tree and took account of what gifts were for whom....LOL!! She then proceed to wake everyone else up....(what happened to waiting till about 8 AM?)!!
Chelsea got a cell phone (hardly ever put it down...I am suprised the numbers werent melted from texting everyone...LOL), some clothes, a camera case, makeup, perfume, jewlery, and of course lots of other goodies. Kaitlyn got a camera -pink of course, a light bright, a purse, some girly perfume and makeup, an educational laptop, a HSM dance mat for the PS2, lots of jewlery....other goodies too. Kase got a RC Ford Truck, a tommy 20 nerf gun, Bakugan stuff, magnetix stuff....and some other goodies. Coby got a Lady bug pillow pet, RC VW Beetle car, Hot Wheels cars and race track...and several other toys. The all had a wonder christmas!! The kids even got me some musical Christmas decorations for me to put out with my christmas stuff for the years to come. We are truly blessed!!!
The kids and I went to Texas for New Years to take Chelsea back. It was a fast trip but we were able to see everyone.....including Nana...which was nice. The kids received even more goodies from everyone in Texas...(thank yall again).....they are loved so much!! We came home Saturday the that I could go to work...and the kids could prepare for school which starts back tomorrow!!
I have lots of photos to upload....of the kids parties at school, Christmas, New Years with our Texas I will be adding those soon!!!