Sunday, May 10, 2009

A Lady Bug and LSU

Well I havent posted much about Coby I decided to share a few pictures of him.
In the first one...he found a lady bug...and just loved it......he said it was his pet...and we couldnt kill it. Well I finally got him to let it go....but it would fly around for a few seconds...and LAND right back on Coby. This happened about 4 times...till finally it flew up to the ceiling and didnt come back down. It was the funniest was like it was attracted to Coby somehow....LOL

This pic was taken last night once we got home from the Fun Farm. He always takes his clothes off the minute we walk in the door...but the hat thing it something new. He jumped on the couch to watch the movie...and I couldnt help but snap this shot....TOO CUTE!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Lance does the EXACT same thing!!! As soon as he gets home.....he's getting out of his clothes and running around in his undies!!!!