Saturday, October 24, 2009

Its been a while.....

Time has just flown by.....where has the month of October went to? Nothing going on here....just working and getting the kids ready for Halloween. They change weekly on what they want to be....this week Kaitlyn is going to be a 'princess' witch...LOL...Kase is between Batman and the Wolverine....Coby...well he has said Buzz lightyear, Ninja turtles, and Optimus Prime from who know which they will actually wear Halloween night....LOL

This last week was National Red Ribbon Week....each day the kids got to dress a certain way....

Monday-was wear snickers for "Don't let drugs sneak up on you"
Tuesday-was wear crazy socks for "Sock it to drugs day"
Wednesday-was wear as much red day for "Wear red rally day"
Thursday-was wear sunshades for "Shade out drugs day"
Friday-was wear camouflage for "Be a hero everyday-SAY NO TO DRUGS"

The kids enjoyed it.....I took a picture of them all dressed up in camo....I still have to upload it...but will post it soon.

Thats pretty much been the week...this next week...we have the book fair, Trunk or Treat, and I work Wed and Friday thru it will be a pretty busy week again!!

I am off....I have a few pages to scrap to get caught up.....before I have the holidays to scrap!!

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