Thursday, December 5, 2013

November 2013

Kaitlyn and Kase had their fall dance with school. Coby was upset he didn't get to go...I had to explain he will get his chance next year. I chaperoned agained this year since I wasn't sure how Kase would act without supervision....:)

Kase graduated from DARE...

Kids were elected as officers in 4H....this was their first meeting. Kase is Junior Prez and Coby is Junior Vice-Prez...Kaitlyn is photographer....
We had our first annual Cubanapolis 500 (cardboard box derby) with Cub was blast...the boys had a great time....

The kids packed 6 shoe boxes to send for OCC...We went to the dollar store and each one picked out the items they wanted to pack.....they really enjoyed this...and I enjoyed watching them pick each item.

Kaitlyn and Kase had a Fall Band Concert...this is Kailtyn 2nd year but Kase's first. They both were so excited and did very well playing. I am so proud of them and their love of music.

Kase made turkeys in class....
Kaitlyn made this for Veteran's Day...I love how my babies are learning about what really matters in the world. Our military is the reason we enjoy the freedoms we have.....

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