Sunday, March 15, 2009

Very Busy Week

Lots going on this week. Kaitlyn and Kase were sick at the begining of this week. I ended up taking them to the doctor on that made the week seem to start off VERY slowly....but the rest sure did fly by. Once Kaitlyn and Kase were better....they went back to school on Thursday....which helped me.......since I worked Wed and Thurs...and needed to rest.

We found out this week...that the FHA limits on buying a house went up. (ok long story short...we have been looking at buying a new mobile home...but since we didnt have land to put has raised the down payment....and what we qualify for....since I havent been working 2 full years yet....and we only qualified for 49,900...which really limited what we could buy)....So now the limit has been raised to 69,900..... :) Which is soooo much better because with a family of 6....we really need more room than what is in a singlewide. We had to put down more money before with the old get a doublewide....and that was fine...but as of Feb 11....there are new state guidelines on the land you put a mobile home have to build a 'pad' you do for a house....and that in itself is going to be over $1,000!! So anyway...this news has shed some light on the house situation......!!!

On Saturday...we had 'another' new addition to the family. Princess...our Black,Orange and White Calico cat had kittens.....2 white and 1 black and white....and then today... low and behold....she had another black one. ....I really hope that is all!!

Kaitlyn has a new 'love'.....of books...Junie B. Jones!! We picked up one last night...and ever since she hasnt been able to put it down. She laughs as she is reading.....she says...." so funny...listen to what she says...." Her facination has even rubbed off on Kase....he is constantly saying..."read it to me".....!! This is like a step back in time....because Chelsea's favorite books at this age were the same....she LOVED Junie B. Jones!!!

Well there ya have very busy week....and one finished week.....Tomorrow will start another......

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