Saturday, March 7, 2009

Lime Green, New Kittens...and the weekend

Well here we are....the end of another week!! I have enjoyed my last 3 days off. I bought a new bedroom set....its black and white...with accents of lime green!! It matches the colors I have my scrapbooking stuff stored in! I havent had a new bedroom makeover since 2001. I always put my wants and needs last on the priority list.....but I seen this....and just went with it!! :)

Well racoon kitty had her babies yesterday. She had 6 but only 5 made it. They all look like her....a grey and black tiger stripe. Coby is too cute....he said "raccon cats babies are eating" ...and Keith said...'eating what' and Coby said..." racoon kitty's tummy"!! I just love how innocent children are!! He keeps telling the cat that he 'wubbs' her babies....all of 'dem'!

Kids are good! They are ready for school to be out. Kase keeps asking when his birthday is....and what month we are in! He told me last night he wants to have a transformers party at the Fun I will be planning that soon!

I work tonight and Sunday I better get off and take a nap!!

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