Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Icky Week

Well this week has been blahhh.....Kase and Coby both have a cold....and now Keith has bronchitis. Kaitlyn has been staying up at Mary Ann's to avoid the black cloud that is hoovering over this house.....LOL. She comes home in the mornings and I take her to school. I will be sooo glad when they are over this crap!! It is really exhausting taking care of sick people at home.....at least at work....I get paid!!! LOL

But on a good note....report cards went out this week...and Kaitlyn got a 3.6 GPA. She had all A's and 2 B's. I am sooo proud of her. She was named the star student of the week by her teacher....how cool is that? She and Coby are suppose to have a field trip on Friday....Coby probably wont be going....but I am chaperoning Kaitlyn's class....so I will get to be there with her.
I am going tomorrow to apply at a Nursing Home closer to home....so I can pick up a few extra hours when I am off from the hospital....... I better get off so I can get some sleep.

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