Saturday, June 20, 2009

Happy Birthday Kaitlyn

Yesterday Kaitlyn turned 7 year old. We had her party today at The Fun Farm. I suprised her by inviting a little friend of hers from school.......her BFF Isabelle. Her theme was princess....of course!! We were in the car yesterday and she said...."I can't believe I am 7, Mom your little girl is growing up...huh?"....then she says "I am almost grown"!!.....LOL

Tidbits about Kaitlyn:

1.Loves to play dress-up
2.Insists that SHE needs makeup on...just like me
3.Loves her fingernails and toesnails painted PINK
4.Favorite color....PINK (suprised)
5.Favorite Movie....Grease
6.Loves to play her PINK gameboy
7.Favorite Song....Honkey Tonk....Badonkey Donk
8.Writes on every piece of paper she can find little notes to everyone......even my photo paper
9.Won't let you throw away said paper....and keeps ANY piece of junk mail that passes through this house....(a pack rat...just like both her paw paw's)
10.Loves to wear town,out to eat, or to play outside (her sister was the same way)
11.Loves to read EVERYTHING-Favorite books are the Junie B Jones series

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Well here we are again....another week....has flown right by...why do the days go soooo fast. It makes me wish that we lived the 600-800 years that are talked about in the bible....I just might feel like I have enough 'time' to live life to its fullest...LOL!!

Keith and I have started on the Atkins diet....well Keith has been on it for a few weeks already...but I started on Wednesday. It seems alot easier this time around....because I get to eat lots of veggies....and even fruit. The diet has come a longgg way than what it was 20 years ago. Anyway....stay tuned for before pics......and updates as we take this journey to a healthier life!!!

This week has been HOT HOT HOT....I worked Monday...and Friday....decided to relax tonight......and I work again Sunday.

Kids are enjoying summer...well not the heat...but the wake up whenever and go to bed whenever....LOL

Coby made this for me....he came to me and said....this says 'I love mom' how he is sounding out words...and trying to write them too....

Then Kaitlyn has decided that when we say a bad word...we should deposit a dollar into her piggy bank.....(we did this before...put money in a jar for a rainy day for bad language...) but this is HER version....and she adds " if you run out of can put checks in there..and I will just cash them..."....LOL....

Kase of course come to give me hugs....and then says....RUB MY BACK. Everytime that boy gets near me....he wants me to tickle something......his head, back, tummy, or arms. I guess he inherited that from me.....I still love to have my back rubbed while falling asleep....LOL
Well thats all for now.....gotta start supper...and watch kids play outside!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Our First Camping Trip

We are back from our camping trip to Tickfaw State Park. What an experience!! This was the first time the kids have been camping-slept in a tent-or went on a nature walk.

We went to the Nature Center to get a map upon arriving in the park...and there was a ranger showing different animals......the show was almost over but this was the one we got to see......

Kaitlyn was standing with me....and I could feel her start to breath faster as the ranger walked over by us with it...LOL The park ranger had it in her hands (with gloves on) we really got close. We learned some interesting facts about tarantulas. The boys were interested in all the other animals in the is one.... Coby really liked this one....LOL

This was an interesting section of the Nature Center...its called the touch and learn section. You can feel fur, alligator teeth, bones.....all sorts of stuff. The kids really enjoyed this....they loved reading the information about each item to us.

We started the day off on Saturday with some fishing in the catch and release pond!! We didn't catch was sooo HOT...and of course the kids didn't want to kept there line in the water for longer than about 5 minutes. We were going to fish in the river....but the piers were all open...and I wasn't going to let the kids near the water without life jackets!!

Next we went on a nature walk. There were several trails around the park. We chose the trail near the edge of the park that you take to launch the canoes to travel down river. It seemed like we walked FOREVER...but all in all probably it was only a mile. These trails have NO vehicle access so it was quiet....and really beautiful. The kids found some animal tracks, some bamboo, and of course LOTS of bugs!!

Then we spent some time at the Water Playground. This was enjoyed the most...(I think). There were these buckets...that filled up with water and once filled dumped out on the kids below....LOL They had sprayers....that the kids ran through.....or just stood under.....LOL After a HOT day...this was a great ending.

We went back to the campsite...and while the kids were playing in the sand.....Keith and I cooked Hot Dogs on the grill......

.......and Keith built a fire in a fire pit. .......(wished I would have remembered the marsh mellows....LOL)

...then when dark came....we put the kids in the sleep.

Keith and I joined them soon after. It was a great night to camp out. It wasn't hot....or muggy.....we even had to use blankets because it got a little chilly come morning. We all were awake by 8:30.....and we packed up everything......(this was our campsite as we were leaving)
We took the kids by the gift shop to get something to remember their first camping trip. Then we headed home!!!