Saturday, April 19, 2008

Dear Brandy,

Today makes 6 months that you were taken from us! I still miss you today as I did the morning after your accident. I still look for your car at school and at clinic when I arrive in the morning. I still dont understand WHY??? Why you? Why was I the one talking to you on the phone? Why didnt I do more with you? Why did you have to die in such a minor accident? WHY? WHY? WHY? I have so many questions....and NO answers.

I feel so selfish at times hurting and missing you....because I know that my feelings are nothing in comparison to what Emmaleigh and Cody are feeling or have felt these past 6 months. They now have to grow up without a mom. Duke is now left without his spouse, his soul-mate, the woman that he depended on so much. I can't fathom what they must feel and how much hurt that consumes them.

We are now approaching the end of school....and I feel as excited as I know I should be...because you were suppose to be beside, you and meg...thats the way it was going to be. We were going to work together...and be friends for a lifetime.

We are having a moment of silence for you in the pinning ceremony....but it will never replace having you there. I miss your calls, seeing you at school, but I mostly miss just being your friend and knowing you were there if I ever needed you.

I know you are in a better place, and I know we will meet again someday.......but I still cant help but miss you and wonder why you..........

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