Monday, September 8, 2008

Recovering from Gustav

We weathered the storm ok. We were without power for 5 days....but was able to manage quite well since some stores were still able to stay up and running with generators. I was able to continue to work as usual so the money didnt stop.....LOL!! Keith was able to return to work on things are getting back to 'normal'.

School started back today for the kids......a little hard to get them going in the AM....but they will get back into routine soon.

Talked to Chelsea over the weekend....she is doing good in school. She says she has 'a' averages in all classes. I am so proud of her!! I told her to enjoy it....because these were her last 4 years..... (so hard to believe) She sounds so happy......I hope she has finally found her true 'belonging'. It makes me happy.....when I know that she is happy!!!

Work is great.....I really enojoy being able to make a difference in someones life. There has been so many times that I wondered if I chose the right career......and it has became apparently clear that I was meant to be a NURSE!!

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