Friday, February 28, 2014

February 2014

Chelsea turned 20 on the it really been that long since I had my blonde haired little girl? We wished her Happy Birthday...but so wished she was here with us to celebrate!! We miss her so much!! I posted several younger pics of her on FB....just to show her how much I cared...and just to hear her say...."mom? really?" I love being THE mother....:)

KK woke me up and said Happy Birthday to me on the 5th...she was the 1st. :) Then Chelsea called and then mom....the kids sang Happy Birthday to me when they got home from school ....I spent the day just lounging and talking with Chelsea. Keith bought me a cake and ice cream...which was a pleasant surprise.

We started this month off with our Pack Pinewood Derby. The boys really got into there cars. Kase's car was already cut but he added the weights and painted it. I helped with the decals since we were running out of time. Coby sanded and painted his...the wts we used made up his Minecraft Creeper face so there was no drilling and cutting wood. The boys did very well...Kase placed 1st and Coby placed 2nd. They will now go on to district in March.

The kids took V-day gifts to their little friends at school. Coby decided he was gonna ask Rhiannon to be his girlfriend on the he did...and she said YES!! The days have been filled with we are never gonna break up....we love each other so much we want to kiss....and the lastest is that they are going to adopt because Rhi doesn't want to get ADD from having a baby. Oh how it must feel to be young and innocent again.. :) Kase took a Valentine to a girl who moved back recently to Loranger. He had asked me a few weeks back how to talk to I just told him to ask her interests and just listen. Well he came home and said it he wanted to give her something on Vday...well due to some incidents he didn't get to give it to her till Monday....but she loved it all the same...and he said she gave him a kiss on the cheek for it...:) KK gave gifts to her friends. I didn't let her give gifts to a boy...because the one she likes is older....and with KK it isn't just see ya at school and talk....she want to talk at home...and go meet him places....and she is just too young for that.

We went to Yogi Bear and Web 2's performed community service by helping them rake leaves and clean up trash around the park. The kids got a patch and certificate for helping.

Eating at China Palace after doing 3 hours of hard work....LOL

KK participated in the 4H Beef Poster contest and the Pet Parade poster contest....she worked really hard on this poster!!

Report cards came home on the 27th and KK made all A's. She said she was going to focus more on her work and try really hard to make all A's and she did it!! I am sooo proud of her. Coby made 1 C in Math which he is struggling with right now....doing fractions. So I was ok with that. Kase made 3 C's...which I am unsure if those are from trying and not getting it....or just not completing work. Everyday he comes home and says he completed his homework in he may be rushing through just so he doesn't have to do anything at home. I will know soon...and he will punished if he is just not putting forth the effort.

I have completed all my training for Southeast Home Health....I hope I can get some steady work coming in....I guess we will see soon....

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