Wednesday, March 25, 2009

My house was broken into......

(heart pounding)When I came home about 30 minutes was pouring down I just grabbed my stuff out of the car and quickly got inside. Well as soon as I opened the door...I noticed the livingroom light was on....and I KNOW that I turned it off when I left......also there was a box that was in the kitchen right in front of me....and I know that wasnt there when I left. Well I went to the back and looked all around....searched in the kids rooms...(really good thing we have a small doesnt take long)...then I called Keith and asked did he have someone come in to get something.....he said NO. He called everyone and they hadnt seen or heard anything. I was only gone 3 hours, plus MaryAnn was home, Maw was home...and the garbage man came during that how could this happen. I checked and all of Keith's guns were there, my wedding rings were there....but $80 was missing from on top of the fridge. My heart sunk....I felt violated!! I called Keith to ask if I should call the Sheriffs office....because I know they touched the lights...maybe they can get finger prints.........then he proceeds to tell me....that I am married to a maniac (like I didnt already know that)....and he had came home to grab something and took the money.........and since I wasnt home....he played this trick on me. Ok....most of you probably dont know....but Keith LOOOOVES pranks....he comes from a family of pranksters.......(he used to put fake spiders in his mom's that when she watered get the picture....)

Well all ends well...seems I got an EARLY.....APRIL FOOLS!!!

LOL....I bet the kids will love this one....because they are always putting fake bugs on the floor and screaming roach or get me to jump......oh what am I going to face in the years to come.........:)

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